party at ground zero
i'm sure that at the last moment of lucidity at my annihilation all my shitty drawings will be there... mocking me as that dark night tightens its drowning noose.
i'm drawing hallways at work. it could be worse. actually, the most horrifying thing about today (besides this sorry excuse for a doodle) was that i used the last of my soda funds for a tasty and cold dew. now i am quite popless.
all told, if these are the worst things that have happened to me lately, i'm a very fortunate little artist, am i not?
oh, and the source: --clickish--
i didn't so much copy this one as i gave it a good stare to begin with, then closed the window out and tried to draw the thing from memory. holy crap i just saw her left hand again and realized that it is horribly the wrong size. wow i'm awesome. i'll file this one under "want to die."
Posted by
Bob Nelson
Labels: caricature